Package published on September 2, 2022 by Joan Giménez
Bounce MOV
Opens Bounce to Mix dialog and sets MOV and same as source (if avail)
Bounce WAV
Opens Bounce to Mix dialog and sets WAV and interleaved.
Conver and Import Video
Select a video clip on the Edit window, it will show it on finder, convert it (using Video Converter for Pro Tools) and the open the import video dialog.
Make sure you've closed all open windows on finder (sometimes it doesn't work if there's any open.
You may need to change the ID on the Run Command action. Find the 'Reveal In Finder' script, Copy Command ID and then paste it back in the action.
Active Returns
If you have a template with inactive tracks, you can use these macros to select those tracks activate them.
Time Ops
Scripts to Instert and Cut different times. You can change the time at the end of the script (in length)